So Where Are Rates Headed?

June 9, 2020

This morning as I was sitting down to write on the (immediate and medium) future of interest rates, knowing that they are poised to head down again – two clients of long standing emailed me.

One wrote to me – tongue in cheek;

I know (how much) you “adore” fixed interest rates, not, but now, locking part or all of a home loan in at these ever so low interest rates needs to be considered?

I still remember the painful 14% home loan interest rates.

Looking forward to your opinion in regard to this matter.”

Surely with rates now under 3%, surely with banks offering fixed rates in the mid 2%’s – SURELY it must now be time to fix … Surely!!

The best time to fix is still never.

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10 Financial Tips to survive Covid-19

April 28, 2020
  • Consolidate your finances. We often keep lots of accounts, with small amounts of money in them – if you have repayments for loans, and are concerned that you may be short of funds, round up those small accounts and put them all into the account that repayments are debited from.
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It’s Raining

March 31, 2020

If you’ve saved for a rainy day… It’s raining.

These are the guidelines you should follow for your home loan or your investment loan – if you find yourself in difficulty.

Depending on the level of difficulty you face, these are the steps you should follow… in order;

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COVID-19 Response… Alan Says…

March 23, 2020

Over the last week I have had several clients ask me what I both think and suggest in the current circumstances.

I have been quiet since my email of 6th Feb when I highlighted what the Corona Virus outbreak might mean for the year ahead.

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Economic flu or just a cold?

February 6, 2020

Economically they used to say, “when America catches a cold the world catches the flu”.

At the moment because of the literal corona virus in China, the world is at risk of catching the economic flu.

Aside from the presidential election and the post Brexit trade negotiations (both of which are the long game for 2020 -being Nov and Dec respectively), the length of time that the world takes to adjust to the economic impact of the corona virus will be the story of significance in 2020.

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Who’s been Naughty and Who’s been Nice…

December 17, 2019

 Dear Santa,

I’ve been good all year,

Most of the time,

Once in a while,

Never mind,

I’ll buy my own stuff…

All banks offer spectacular deals to new people.

Then under the cloak of darkness (called “out of cycle” rate rises) – they claw margin back.

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11 factors to consider when looking for your best home loan

August 13, 2019

Before we start, the best tip I can give you is… DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF… It took me years to work out that when friends looked at my home renovations and said, “nice tiling … do it yourself?” it was not a compliment. They were being polite. The fact that they could tell I had done it myself said it all.

I was about to start on this article when a thought appeared – why tell my clients (some of whom have been with me for 10-20 years) what they should look for?  When instead I could ask them, what was most important to them, so I did.

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Catch Your Breath – What is Happening.

August 8, 2019

The scene is now set for the rest of 2019.

I give credit to the Reserve Bank and the Government for pre-empting.

The Reserve Bank cut rates by 0.5% (0.4% of which was passed through) and the Government passed tax cuts through to everyone.

What was the background? The two big ticket items – Brexit and the US China Trade War.

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Tell me about the future..

June 6, 2019

Anyone can read in the media that The Reserve Bank cut the cash rate yesterday.

I always endeavour to let you know what this means – so that you can plan ahead.

In July 2016 – almost 10 years after the GFC, interest rates had been low for a decade, there was a growing sentiment that they would inevitably rise – which always makes people worry.

I like to take notice of the people who have the RED (rates) button on their desk so back in 2016 I read an article from Janet Yelland (the outgoing chair of the US Federal Reserve) who had just told Congress that rates would stay low for ANOTHER decade – yes until 2025.

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Good News Ahead

May 28, 2019

The current market mood was caused by negative Government intervention to suppress buyer demand and also the election itself.

Sentiment has changed post-election and now positive Government intervention brings good news again for buyers. 

There are 4 key areas that signal this.

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