So .. You’d like to apply for a loan!

Here are the steps to get started – and best of all – I am here as your personal guide to get you though.

Once you get through the early stages real Alan will take over.

First – you need to create a log in to get through to the Forms Page.

Click the above link or the log in page is easily found on the right side of the horizontal main menu.

If it’s your first time – you will need to register and create an account: Register a new account

Once logged in the very first question is are you applying..

·      On your own? – use the Single Applicant form

·      With someone else? – use the Joint Applicant form

·      Or as a corporate entity? (If as a corporate entity you will use the Joint Applicant form)

There are THREE forms and Alan needs them all:

·      Single or Joint Application form – Alan reads this carefully to work out what he needs to ask for next.

·      Expenses – an essential legal requirement these days – so we know roughly what it costs to run your life.

·      Loan Preferences – another sensible requirement so that Alan can match the best options to your own stated needs.

A couple of common questions and corresponding handy hints:

·      In the Application forms – when you get to liabilities – include all liabilities even if they are in your business name – because you are still liable for them personally.

·      For Expenses – don’t think too much – your best guess is fine and the frequency that comes to mind – eg council rates – $2000 and pick “per year”. Mobile phone might be $40 and “per month”. You don’t have be 100% accurate – Alan just needs your best estimates.

Before you finish and submit:

·      The SAVE function – makes sure your information is there for next time.

·      The SUBMIT function – is what emails this information to Alan.

You must SAVE and separately SUBMIT.

Now – if you are returning for a subsequent time – log in to get to the Forms page.

You still need to fill in all three forms BUT – when you click on the form you need you can find your most recent previous saved form in the table at the top of the form.


Once Alan has your forms – I fade away and Real Alan takes over – he reads carefully and then sends you a document list he needs to work out borrowing power and the best options to match your needs with lenders and loan products

Finally – privacy and data security is very important and the Ask Alan policy is one of mutual responsibility in which you as Alan’s client have total control.

If you want your data deleted – just ask and it is not saved.

BUT – that means there is nothing when you return and you must start again each time.

Ask Alan systems are encrypted and highly secure – so you can have confidence in opting for convenience in storing it there for next time, but if you feel more comfortable – just ask and it will be deleted.

There are three people who can help you with forms

·      Me – iAlan – just ask me for help in my pop up in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

·      Real Alan – I can put you in contact, click here to send him an email.

·      Real Helen – Alan’s real IT / admin support person, click here to send her an email.