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Should it surprise us that 100% of economists on Monday became only 70% of economists by Wednesday?

I will carefully analyse what the Reserve Bank board says as well as Bill Evans.

I think it is possible that with this Reserve Bank board undergoing significant change by September that they wanted to fire one last shot – I will write in detail next week.

Today… I am aware that for some of my clients any interest rate change is now causing concern – meaning that all expenditure and income is under review given that the home loan is now vacuuming out more of your cash – that is the very point of the bluntness of the interest rate tool in order to cool an economy (post Covid).

So, this is a personal email – if YOU are worrying about how to manage or worrying about the path ahead, I want you to reply to me and ask for my help.

This is NOT the time to be contacting a bank and asking for relief WITHOUT talking to me first.

No matter how friendly the voice from a bank will sound – no bank ever has your best interests at heart. It is just not how they function. It is a slippery slope towards them selling your home.

If you are worried – then I will conduct a calm (and full) needs analysis with you and work out what is best for you.

I am here for you in good times and the challenging ones.

That has always been my personal commitment to YOU.

Market analysis can come next week – today – reach out to me for help if you need to.

But… be prepared for some work because that is what I will be asking you to do with me – a full needs analysis.

Talk to or email me anytime, it’s what I’m here for.