A Budget Thought You Won’t Be Expecting – the THREE mistakes people make.

May 15, 2024

The Council of Social Services (ACOSS) always makes a submission to the budget. This year it notes that the top 10% of Australians have over $5.2 million in net wealth and that the gap between the top 10% and those below is somehow inherently wrong.

It also notes that the top 10% have made their wealth predominantly through property – and with their comments they infer this is somehow inherently wrong too.

My “Budget” in Reply comment is for EVERYONE that aspires to own a home – First Home Buyers and Investors alike.

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2024 The Year Ahead

January 30, 2024

There are things that can be taken as almost certain this year – so let’s plan for them.

On the money supply side:

  1. At some stage this year the Reserve Bank will start to reduce rates.
  2. When rates fall by 0.25% it is almost certain that banks will act with their usual pattern and cut by 0.25% for new clients and only 0.15% for existing clients.

No need for you to worry here – I will be able to deal with that for you in my scheduled 6 monthly reviews – it’s what I do for you.

So, let’s turn to getting ahead in life this year.

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The “Why” about Rates

March 7, 2023

Covid came along and no government in the world quite knew how to respond… they planned for the worst.

  • We were all locked up.
  • While they developed a vaccine.
  • Which meant businesses and people lives were about to be financially destroyed.
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Fortnightly…To Be or Not to Be….

March 7, 2023

Fortnightly …. To Be or Not to Be ….

I can tell from the questions I am being asked that rates are starting to have an effect and people are being not only more careful with their money but also trying to create additional value.

Tell me who “hasn’t” heard that paying a loan fortnightly shortens the loan term?

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Interest Rates in 2022, an Important Message

March 25, 2022

I am writing again – to let you know how I think the interest rate scenario will unfold in 2022 and how to prepare together. We each have roles.

The pieces are falling into place for the Reserve Bank to start to lift the cash rate.

  • Inflation between 2% and 3% – is already in place.
  • Unemployment under 4% – this is imminent.
  • Wages growth above 3% – is the missing piece.

To repeat from an earlier email, this is how I see the rate scenario playing out this year…

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COVID-19 Response… Alan Says…

March 23, 2020

Over the last week I have had several clients ask me what I both think and suggest in the current circumstances.

I have been quiet since my email of 6th Feb when I highlighted what the Corona Virus outbreak might mean for the year ahead.

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11 factors to consider when looking for your best home loan

August 13, 2019

Before we start, the best tip I can give you is… DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF… It took me years to work out that when friends looked at my home renovations and said, “nice tiling … do it yourself?” it was not a compliment. They were being polite. The fact that they could tell I had done it myself said it all.

I was about to start on this article when a thought appeared – why tell my clients (some of whom have been with me for 10-20 years) what they should look for?  When instead I could ask them, what was most important to them, so I did.

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A Buyers Market

January 10, 2019

Most people misunderstand badly the term “buyers’ market” and hence never take advantage of one.

A buyers’ market is one where no-one is buying.

Consequently, it is a terrible time to sell.

In a buyers’ market there are more sellers than buyers, buyers can take their time, negotiate price and/or conditions to suit themselves and if a seller doesn’t “meet” their demands then the buyer moves on to a seller who will.

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Lots of Noise but Very Little Clarity

November 22, 2018

Who wouldn’t want house price to go down? – I’ll tell you who – that would be EVERY person who owns a house.

One side of politics at the moment sets the country against itself – the politics supposedly of the “haves” and the “have-nots”. What a sad way to view life and aspiration.

Here is a truth – EVERY person who buys a house (be it their first or their tenth) wants house price to be down when they buy.

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Two Significant Threats

September 27, 2018

Two Significant Threats to YOU Personally

Number 1. Identity theft and fraud are now prevalent in ways not seen before.

Someone uses your name and date of birth and drivers licence / passport details to fraudulently obtain a $20k personal loan or credit card from an unwitting lender. In the process that person changes your address. You find out some months later when contacted by a collections agency because you are in default. Your Credit File is of course, by now, ruined.

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