Waiting For The Crash…

March 7, 2023

I cannot count the number of times in my 25 years of mortgage broking I have heard the “I’m waiting for the crash” reason for delaying a buying decision.

First – EVERY buyer (me included) hopes for property to be “down” 5 minutes before they buy and then “up” 5 minutes after they have bought.

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Fortnightly…To Be or Not to Be….

March 7, 2023

Fortnightly …. To Be or Not to Be ….

I can tell from the questions I am being asked that rates are starting to have an effect and people are being not only more careful with their money but also trying to create additional value.

Tell me who “hasn’t” heard that paying a loan fortnightly shortens the loan term?

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2023 – Interest Rates – Let the blather begin…

February 9, 2023

Inflation was slightly higher in December than expected. Inflation kicked off with oil price shocks caused by the Russia/Ukraine conflict, so rate rises did feel a “bit unfair” to many.

However, in December one of the single biggest contributors was travel and holidays. After two years of disappointment, we all spent whatever it took to have a holiday (and so we should). But that is 100% discretionary spending, on us. Too much money chasing too few goods. That always has a bad end – with the price of everything going up. Inflation kills wealth and inflation has to be controlled.

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Christmas Comes Early

December 6, 2022

Amidst all the bad news of 2022 comes some good news at last.

It is just possible that the rate of inflation in Australia has peaked (in October) earlier than predicted by economists (The Australian 1 Dec 2022: Robert Gottliebsen).

(By the way – what do you call 100 economists in a room?… a vacuum!)

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The Reasons Behind and Lessons from the Past.

May 9, 2022

What caused the Reserve Bank to move away from its previously stated plans?

Namely… they were not going to move until:

  • Inflation was comfortably in the 2%-3% range.
  • Wages growth was above 3%.

The reasons that threw the Reserve Bank off course were simple:

  • Russia invaded Ukraine and has caused a global disruption to Oil, Coal, Gas markets (you felt this when Petrol hit $2.20 per litre and became an election issue). Prices go up because this feeds into the price of everything.
  • China decided to prolong its pursuit of Covid zero and has recently shut down Shanghai and then Beijing. Supply chains are in disarray (try getting anything delivered in a reasonable time – eg a car). Prices go up in a scramble for product.
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Interest Rates in 2022, an Important Message

March 25, 2022

I am writing again – to let you know how I think the interest rate scenario will unfold in 2022 and how to prepare together. We each have roles.

The pieces are falling into place for the Reserve Bank to start to lift the cash rate.

  • Inflation between 2% and 3% – is already in place.
  • Unemployment under 4% – this is imminent.
  • Wages growth above 3% – is the missing piece.

To repeat from an earlier email, this is how I see the rate scenario playing out this year…

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Rates and House Price – What Lies Ahead

January 31, 2022

House price rose by 25% in 2021 driven exclusively by

  • Low interest rates,
  • The need for more space to accommodate working from home.

There was a segment of the property market that missed this – inner city units – which rose by only 8%.

Unit blocks close to the city were the opposite of what the market wanted.

As Covid shifts gears I am already seeing demand for inner city units return because,

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Customer Service is Taking Action to Create Value for Someone Else

December 13, 2021

How many times could you say that you went to a business seminar, and it changed your life – and that it is still your daily focus 20 years later

Ron Kaufman, Singapore: 2001 – Ron Kaufman is who Singapore Airlines sought out in 1990 help them achieve their goal – “Service Even Other Airlines Talk About.”

“Singapore Airlines trains for service at an unbelievable level. Their quality is simply unmatched – but if you fly with them, you know this already.”

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APRA, The Reserve Bank and Interest Rates

October 29, 2021

The Reserve Bank has cut rates to low levels to encourage borrowing.

This is a good thing.

The strategy has worked.

Housing and construction are the backbone of our economy – because they generate so much employment and activity.

House price has increased – and that in itself is not a bad thing.

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Interest Rates in the Future – My Role and Yours – Plan for 4%

October 8, 2021

Bill Evans took up the Chief Economist role at Westpac in 1991 and has consistently been “getting the big calls right for 30 years”.

When he talks – I listen.

Bill Evans predicts (The Australian Sat 11th Sep 2021) “Interest rates will rise… starting in the first quarter 2023… and going up (in steps) by (only) 1.25%”.

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